In the context of the development of the new St. Martin Strategy, a team of consultants evaluated the St. Martin Approach. I received good grades and was attested good impact o the beneficiaries and an in-built flexibility for upcoming areas of work.
Protect and Rescue children from Abusive situations
The programme rescues children facing harm as a result of physical, sexual, child marriage, FGM and emotional abuse, as well as neglect and exploitation. Street connected children are also rescued. They are provided with proper care in our rescue centres.
Upon rehabilitation, these children are reintegrated back into the community and provided with education support like school uniforms and fees where need be in order to settle them in schools. The programme also target vulnerable in Nyahururu sub-county who lack access to one or more basic needs and their rights are constantly abused. The programme support such children with schooling needs, resource mobilization from the community as well as advocating for their rights.
Promote Child Participation
The project targets 72 primary schools in Laikipia County. In each school, a platform for children to air their views is created through the Children’s Government where children leaders are empowered to become change agents. Children, members of these governments are trained on child rights and responsibilities, meaningful child participation, role of children as duty bearers, lifeskills, public interaction skills and methods of awareness creation.
Jaza Kikapu - Fill the Basket
In 2020, we launched Jaza Kikapu (fill a basket) concept to mobilise resources to support poor women headed households. Jaza Kikapu goal is to enhance and promote the unique role played by women on the family, community and societal level by empowering them and creating an enabling environment for their full participation in the development agenda. Women play an indispensable role in community development as weavers of the social fabric and caregivers. It is broadly designed to uplift poor households through the potential of women and hereby enable them to fully participate in the development of the communities.
These are volunteers who are drawn from the community and are empowered to act as community TOTs, and supported to implement activities in churches, schools, public meetings and other fora with the aim of sensitizing the community on child rights. These volunteers are headhunted from among church school teachers, duty bearers and primary school teachers. In addition to awareness creation, they mobilize resources from their communities to support vulnerable children and shed lights on abuses facing children. The programme is currently working with 130 volunteers in various parts of Nyahururu, and Nyandarua.