A just society in which communities uphold the dignity and respect the voices of vulnerable and marginalised people.
The vision of St. Martin CSA is a dream. It describes how we wish the world to be. It starts from the desire to contribute towards the transformation of the current society into one that is juster. In the society we live in, there are people who have almost too much, while on the other hand there are many who are deprived of even the basic human necessities. Among these, there are many who have special vulnerabilities: people with disabilities, people living with HIV/AIDS, street children, victims of violence. St. Martin CSA aims at building communities in which people are ready to share with each other their gifts, in a spirit of love and solidarity; communities, in which people with special vulnerabilities have been given a central position. This is done in the belief that in such a process of sharing, all people, the rich and the poor, the strong and the weak will gain and grow to their full potential.
To strengthen community capacity and systems that care for and empower vulnerable and marginalized people in mutually transformative relationships.
St. Martin CSA wants to achieve its vision by empowering communities to put into practice their faith; to build a strong capacity of people who have the motivation and the practical skills to assist vulnerable groups of people; to empower the beneficiaries to take charge of their own lives and to care for them where they are not able themselves. The mission statement already describes that St. Martin CSA is not only targeting the Catholic communities but that it unites people of different backgrounds in its efforts to promote love and solidarity.