Women are flag bearers in ensuring household well-being in the rural areas of most developing countries. They play key roles as food producers and agricultural entrepreneurs who dedicate their own time, income and decision-making to maintain the food and nutritional security of their households and communities; and ensure the stability of food supplies in times of economic hardship. Rural women are also involved in other non-farm income-generating activities, such as fetching water and firewood, and taking care of basic education and health issues of family members. Thus, rural women are key agents for achieving the transformational economic, environmental and social changes required for sustainable development. They need more access and control of resources, which together constitute the empowerment capabilities leading to improvement in their livelihoods.
Jaza Kikapu Project seek to improve the income, food and nutrition security of the poor women in Laikipia County,Kenya by-
- Strengthening the income generation capacity of single women to support sustainable livelihoods and find dignity in supporting their families
- Providing women with socializing spaces outside the home, enabling them to process the trauma of single Parenthood and create stronger social
The project adopted a graduation approach, a holistic livelihoods program designed to address the multi-dimensional needs of extremely poor households. It consists of five core components: time-limited consumption support; life skills coaching and mentoring, a savings component; training in how to use the asset and asset transfer. The theory of change underlying the model is that this mix of interventions, offered in the appropriate sequence, would help the ultra-poor to “graduate” out of extreme poverty within a defined time period.
Currently the project is working with 2 groups of 12 and 13 women respectively.
Establishing Sustainable Livelihoods: We believe in long-term solutions. Through our unique approach, we train 20 “Sustainable Livelihood champions” Trainers of Trainers, cascading valuable knowledge on protection, diversification, and resilience to climate change to 200 beneficiaries. This ensures a lasting impact and empowers communities to thrive independently.